Undergraduate Training in Genomics

In 2016, UTRIG was formed under the Undergraduate Medical Educators Section (UMEDS) of the AAPAth. This group includes medical school pathology course directors and, similar to TRIG, has representation from major genetics and pathology organizations. UTRIG has adapted the TRIG curriculum to teach medical students. Similar to the TRIG curriculum, an Instructor Handbook/Toolkit as well as online modules are available to enable medical and other health professional schools to locally implement similar training.

Over 95% would recommend the UTRIG curriculum for their medical school
0 %
“This workshop has deepened my understanding of the critical role molecular and genomic pathology plays in medicine. It has highlighted how advancements in these fields can improve diagnostic accuracy and treatment decisions. Overall, it has strengthened my interest in integrating genomics into patient care.”


Medical Student Genomics Workshop Instructor Handbook and Toolkit

The UTRIG Working Group Student Genomics Workshop Instructor Handbook and Toolkit, was first released in 2020. The latest version, released in 2025, provides the materials and guidance needed to implement a flexible, modular, field-tested introductory genomics curriculum designed for integration into medical school and other health professional school coursework. review. The curriculum consists of approximately six hours of instruction and uses a team-based learning approach. Participants work in small groups to answer case-based questions and learn principles related to the development of genomic assays and interpretation of results. There is also practical hands-on instruction with the use of online genomic pathology tools as well as review of actual patient testing reports and digital slide review. The instructor leading this workshop does not need to be an expert in genomics; however, some background in molecular pathology and working with genetics professionals, such as geneticists and/or genetic counselors, will enhance the program. Links to Google forms are also provided that allow learners to more easily review exercise questions, access online resources and record their answers and notes. 

Online Modules

Released in 2022, these modules, similar to those developed through the TRIG Working Group for pathologists, provide an interactive virtual team-based learning experience. The four modules follow the structure of the medical student in-person workshop. Through simulations, users learn fundamental aspects of genetics-related patient care including how to navigate online genomics tools, discuss patient genetic histories/develop pedigrees and interpret histology slides. Medical student reviewers found the modules a worthwhile and engaging approach to learning key aspects of genomic medicine.

Working Group and Staff

Working Group Members

Please note that the materials provided on the website are not specifically endorsed by any of the cooperating organizations listed above.